How Consignment Works

We offer stress-free consignment!
Our Focus
Outdoor Gear Revival's focus is to provide individuals with a place to sell their used outdoor gear. Our passion is outdoor adventure gear, apparel, footwear, and accessories. Items that allow you to enjoy the outdoors such as backpacking, fly fishing, rock climbing, paddling, hiking, camping and snow sports.
Moving? OGR's got you covered, whether you're moving to town, across town or across the country. We'll handle the gear sales and send you a check – it's that simple.
We also provide compassionate estate services, easing the burden on families by handling the valuation and sale of outdoor gear and apparel within an estate, ensuring they find new homes where they can continue to inspire adventure.
While we celebrate all things outdoors, we don't accept team/ball sports equipment, roof racks, scuba gear, bicycles, or sea kayaks.
Brands We Love
Our favorite outdoor bands are Patagonia, Arcteryx, The North Face, Outdoor Research, LL Bean, Woolrich, Burton, Simms, MSR, Prana, Black Diamond, Chaco, Keen, and many others.
When We Accept Items
Please bring your items in seasonally, winter items like jackets and snowboards as it starts to get cold/ summer items like shorts and kayaks when it starts to warm up outside.
Requirements For Consignment
1) Clean
Items should be free of dirt, mold, animal hair, or bad smells.
2) Functional
Apparel must be in good condition. Zippers must work, all buttons must be present, no large rips, holes, tears, stains, or burns.
3) Operational
For non clothing items, these are our guidelines. Headlamps should be functional Camp stoves will light. Sleep pads hold air. All tents must be set up and stoves must be tested in the store. Sleeping pads will be tested overnight to ensure that they hold air.